
“I want to live my life, not record it.”

— Jackie Kennedy


Three years ago I left my loving family and moved to Tokyo. For one long year. I was traveling a lot in the past, but never for so long and never left my loved ones for more than a few weeks.

Seems like I was a bit of a workaholic. I was spending countless hours at the office, And then back at home still thinking about my work, or working on computer. Sometimes getting angry. Trying to make everything perfect.

Life was passing me by and I wasn’t able even to realize it. I badly needed to fix my work-life balance. I needed a change.

So I took a step. I went to the world’s biggest megacity. In a hope to make a break and study a Japanese culture.

Japan swallowed me. Never sleeping Tokyo, and calmness of hot springs. Super smart city and old world heritage. Two worlds in one country… Love and hate relationship…

Tokyo desert gave me a change to look back, to re-think who am I, what I do and what I want to do next. It helped me to compare western and eastern mindsets.

It changed my own mindset too.

  • Less is more.
  • Live the moment.
  • Love your Family.
  • Take the first step.
  • It’s normal to make mistakes.

It changed me.

So who am I now?

A very technical person with almost 20 years of experience in IT companies? With multiple success stories and failures? Well yes and a mix of tech guy, entrepreneur, business manager, cross-culture consultant, blogger, photographer.

I believe, I know something to be shared, and I would be happy to share it.

You need a change? Want to take control of your life back? Considering starting a new business? Starting new IT start-up? Preparing to go to Japan? Are you Japanese person starting a new business in Europe?

Just drop me a message.

The most difficult is the first step!